Author: thepedrovasquezcm

  • Open Letter to Teachers Everywhere (2016)

    Open Letter to Teachers Everywhere (2016)

      It takes a special kind of human being to be a teacher. If you asked me, I would say that yours is the noblest of profession—though no one would not be able to tell from the meager remuneration you get for your efforts.    It might take a few decades for us to see…

  • Open Letter to the Republican Natational Commitee (2016)

    I am a registered Democrat; however, as an American and a retired sailor, I expect everyone, regardless of political affiliation, to behave with a modicum of decency and to, at least, treat everyone as if we had truly “been created equal,” as our Declaration of Independence suggests. I do not think I am being biased…

  • Open Letter to Police Chiefs Across America (2016)

    Open Letter to Police Chiefs Across America (2016)

      For a few years now, I have not been able to help but laugh when I see a police vehicle emblazoned with the phrase “To Serve and Protect.” And, believe me, in every one of these occasions, it has brought me no happiness to laugh; each time, what I am now calling a laugh…

  • Open Letter to White-Supremacy Advocates (2016

    Open Letter to White-Supremacy Advocates (2016

    I have an opinionated soul—got me in trouble many times during my years in the Navy—but, truth be told, I cannot even begin to think what I should say to you. Those who care about my well-being have advised against addressing you specifically. Are they right to worry? Perhaps, but I disagree. Which does not…

  • Open Letter to the A.C.L.U. ( 2016)

    Open Letter to the A.C.L.U. ( 2016)

       Keep doing what you’re doing. Keep “stepping up to the plate” when those in positions of power trample over the rights of the American people.    But I wish you would be more proactive, too. I wish you’d consider using some of your resources in a country-wide campaign to educate everyday citizens; to teach…

  • Open Letter to White America (2016)

    You can do better.    As a member of the privileged class in our society, as someone who is likely to suffer the least under the regressive and unjust policies that the Trump administration—if he stays faithful to his election rhetoric—is certain to institute, it falls to those of you with understanding and common sense…

  • Open Letter to Bill Gates and Melinda Gates (2016)

    Open Letter to Bill Gates and Melinda Gates (2016)

       Your foundation is worthy of praise. Eradicating poverty, enhancing access to healthcare in third-world countries, and teaching American kids about technology are noble aims. I suggest to you, however, that as noble as these endeavors are, a life free of decease, having a few coins in our pockets, and knowing how to talk to…

  • Open Letter to Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, and Other Minorities (2016)

    Open Letter to Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, and Other Minorities (2016)

    We cannot continue telling ourselves, “We’re used to it.” “We can take it.”    Enough.    It’s time to stand up for ourselves. It’s time to take our rightful place in our community; our proper place in society.    We are entitled to so much more than what we have been getting.  And I am…

  • Open Letter to Donald Trump (2016)

    Open Letter to Donald Trump (2016)

    As of Inauguration Day on January 20th, the ball will be in your court. Even now, since you’ve been declared the winner in this election cycle, the spotlight is already shining on you—not that it wasn’t before.    All is just the way you like it.    I know that no one is perfect; I…

  • Open Letter to the Democratic National Commitee (2016)

    Open Letter to the Democratic National Commitee (2016)

       They say that hindsight is 20/20. It’d be too easy to start enumerating the causes of Secretary Clinton’s loss to the most unqualified presidential candidate ever to roam the American homeland. I agree that a reasonable amount of time spent examining root causes will go a long way in helping us avoid the same…